What is CBD (Cannabidiol)?


CBD stands for cannabidiol. CBD is a compound that is naturally found in hemp plants. But that's not why it's awesome... it's awesome because CBD may support a sense of peace and wellness. The best part is that it is not intoxicating, it will not give you a psychoactive high, so you can add CBD to your daily routine without feeling a high.

Here at Natty Supps, we are dedicated to helping your physical and mental well-being by carrying well made products. We also know how busy you are with daily life and how all the information on CBD can be overwhelming. That's okay, we can educate you on what, why, and how CBD can support your well-being.

CBD comes in several forms. There is sublingual CBD or CBD tinctures, and CBD oil. This is a great way to ingest CBD because you can take a drop or two underneath the tongue and it will be effective rather quickly. However, we have a large variety of CBD products that can fit any lifestyle, like CBD topicals, CBD coffees/teas, CBD edibles, CBD capsules, etc.


CBD is a type of compound called a cannabinoid. Cannabinoids work with several receptors in your body as the endocannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS have vital jobs, including regulating your anti-inflammatory response, immune system, appetite, mood, anxiety levels, sleep schedule, and more. Overall, the ECS supports your body stay in homeostasis.


Homeostasis is a biological balance in your body's natural rhythms. Homeostasis has a substantial impact on your overall well-being. There is new research always suggesting the link between homeostasis, and physical, mental, and even emotional health.


  • Sublingual - Place (drops) under the tongue.
  • Inhalable - Inhale and exhale the vapor produced by a vaporizer and/or similar device.
  • Ingestible - Take (food, drink, or another substance) into the body by swallowing.
  • Topical - Applying directly on the body (skin).


The term "industrial hemp" refers to the cannabis sativa plant and any part of such plant, whether growing or not, which has less than 0.3% of THC concentration on a dryweight basis.


Extracts from industrial grown hemp being used for pilot programs at Universities or for research and marketing purposes through farms approved by state agricultural committees is 100% legal.